With the recent detection of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in California, SBWCN is implementing precautionary protocols to prevent the spread of the virus and to ensure the health of our wild animal patients.
The virus has not yet been detected in Santa Barbara or Ventura County, but SBWCN is asking the public to:
Call the SBWCN Helpline ((805) 681-1080) before touching or handling any wildlife.
Stop at the designated drop-off area in front of the SBWCN facility when dropping off an animal.
Please anticipate a possible wait time as staff is limited.
Unfortunately, any cardboard boxes or laundry – towels, blankets, etc. – brought in with an animal can not be returned. Containers made of non-porous material will need to be disinfected for 10 minutes prior to being returned.
Wear gloves and face masks and thoroughly wash hands if handling an animal can not be avoided.
If you’ve found a wild animal you believe needs help, please follow these steps. For frequently asked questions, visit the Wildlife FAQ page.
1. Stay and Observe
If you believe an animal needs help, it is important to keep the animal in sight from a safe distance. If you cannot stay with the animal, try to find someone who can. Please do not leave or handle the animal without calling the Helpline: (805) 680-1120.
Some animals may not need care. Baby songbirds, crows, and bunnies are some of the most frequently “kidnapped” species we see at SBWCN.
However, the following signs mean the animal needs immediate attention:
Bugs (such as ants or maggots) on the animal
Severe asymmetry as a result of a broken wing or leg
Animal is not moving/walking/flying when approached (remember to be cautious and keep a safe distance though!)
Animal is covered in oil
Animal was caught by a cat, dog, or other predator
Bird flies into a window
2. Call the Helpline:
(805) 681-1080
Please call the Helpline to speak to a wildlife representative for advice. If no one answers, please leave a detailed voicemail with your name, phone number, and the exact location and condition of the animal.
For after-hours wildlife emergencies and rabies species:
Please call Santa Barbara County Dispatch for animal control assistance: (805) 683-2724
If within Santa Barbara City, please call: (805) 882-8900
If the animal is visibly injured or sick and is NOT one of the species listed below, follow steps #1–7 in the next section to safely contain the animal. Place it in a safe, warm location overnight, and call the Helpline in the morning.
3. Arrange for Transport
See below for a list of animals you should NOT handle yourself.
If you believe it is safe for you and the animal, please follow these steps:
Get a box large enough to safely hold the animal.
Make sure the box has plenty of airflow.
Place some soft cloth, tissues, or paper towels at the bottom of the box.
Gently place the animal in the box. Use a towel, newspaper, or gloves to handle the animal, and wash your hands afterward.
Keep the box warm, dark, quiet, and away from children and pets.
Do not place any food or water in the box.
Do not peek! The animal is very stressed.
Transport the animal to SBWCN at 1460 N Fairview Ave in Goleta, CA.
If you are unable to transport the animal yourself, SBWCN will arrange a transport for you.

You should not handle any animal that you are uncomfortable touching. Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network has a team of rescuers that can transport animals if need be. Your safety and the animal’s safety are paramount.
The following species SHOULD NOT be handled by anyone except trained professionals:
Hawks, owls, and other raptors (unless thick leather gloves are worn and you have consulted SBWCN for instruction)
Large seabirds such as cormorants and pelicans (unless the animal poses no risk to the rescuer and you have consulted SBWCN for instruction)
* = Rabies vector species. Do not touch. Please call SBWCN to send a rabies vaccinated rescuer. After-hours, please call Santa Barbara County Dispatch: (805) 683-2724
SBWCN’S permit allows for the care of many wild animals, with some notable exceptions:
Marine mammals
Adult deer
Wild boar
Mountain lions
Venomous animals (i.e. rattlesnakes)
Domestic animals (i.e. cats, dogs, and livestock)
Exotic animals (i.e. parrots, pythons, etc.)
For marine mammals, call Channel Islands Marine and Wildlife Institute: (805) 567-1505
For larger mammals, call Santa Barbara County Animal Services: (805) 683-2724
For domestic or exotic animal emergencies, call Santa Barbara County Animal Services: (805) 683-2724
If you have a question about whether or not SBWCN can provide care for a certain animal, please call the Helpline: (805) 681-1080
For more information, visit the Wildlife FAQ page.